Four In A Row 3.8.8 [free]


Classic Four In A Row
Be the first to get four counters in a row to be crowned Four In A Row champion.
Dropping counters into rows of four... can't be that hard can it?
Actually this classic game four in a row is harder than you think!
Keep a close eye on your opponent's moves.
Block them as soon as they have three out of four in a row because four in a row - up.
Across or diagonally - wins the game.
If your opponent blocks you it's time to think again... and quick!
Anyone aged six and up can play four in a row addictive two-player game.

إصدارات قديمة

Free Download تحميل بواسطة رمز الاستجابة السريعة
  • اسم التطبيق: Four In A Row
  • لينة الفئة: الدماغ ولغز
  • كود التطبيق:
  • أحدث إصدار: 3.8.8
  • الشرط المطلوب: 4.1 أو أعلى
  • حجم الملف : 15.42 MB
  • تحديث الوقت: 2018-08-23