Agricultural Science Textbook 1.8.4 [free]


Agriculture is derived from two Latin words: "ager," which means "field," and "cultura," which means "cultivation." As a result, agriculture in Latin simply means "field
cultivation." Compared to ancient times, agriculture has undergone a significant transformation. Ancient agricultural practices were mostly subsistence-based and focused
on generating adequate food for the individual or their family. Currently, the focus is on industrial-scale food production in order to increase supply and keep costs low
enough for individuals with higher incomes to purchase...

إصدارات قديمة

Free Download تحميل بواسطة رمز الاستجابة السريعة
  • اسم التطبيق: Agricultural Science Textbook
  • لينة الفئة: الكتب والمراجع
  • كود التطبيق: com.techssesoft.agriculturalsciencetextbook
  • أحدث إصدار: 1.8.4
  • الشرط المطلوب: 5.0 أو أعلى
  • حجم الملف : 8.81 MB
  • تحديث الوقت: 2023-06-25