Mappz Quick Settings 1.6 [free]


MAPPZ Development announces:

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MAPPZ QuickSettings is aimed to bring all your favorite settings and apps to your fingertips.
It emulates the a second statusbar. You can pull it down from a set space in your statusbar.

• User toggle
• Battery indicator
• Ringer mode (normal/vibrate/silent)
• Settings panel
• Task killer
• Auto-brightness switch (auto/normal)
• Screen dimmer (black transparent overlay for better battery use)
• Rotation toggle (Auto-rotate on/off)
• Airplane mode
• Wi-Fi
• Bluetooth
• Data
• Torch / Flashlight
• Wakelock (Keeps screen on)
• QuickSettings configuration

QuickSettings configuration:
General settings
• Start on boot
• Statusbar above QuickSettings
• Hide when statusbar hides
• Fullscreen/wrapped drawer
• Lightsout: fade away the background when drawing
• Show on lockscreen
• Date bar above the QuickSettings
• Use 24-hour format
• Enable a shortcut button to the statusbar
• Toast a "X toggled" message after clicking a panel
• Vibrate after you click a panel
• Automatically close after you click a panel
Gesture settings
• Enable/disable gestures
• Vibrate on gesture
• Gesture launcher position (gravity)
• Gesture launcher width
• Gesture launcher height
Toggle settings
• Set enabled/disabled toggles
• Set custom toggles (choose apps to add to a panel)
• Set toggle order
• Set number of columns (3/4/5)
• Set toggle functions
• Customize the toggle layout
Notification settings
• Enable/disable a notification
• Notification click brings you to QuickSettings OR Configuration
• Enable/disable 4.2-like notification (see screenshot)
• Enable/disable persistent notification
• Enable/disable small icon in statusbar
• Pin the notification on top of all notifications
Set the app theme
• You can download additional themes from the Play Store
Pro center
• See the benefits
• Buy the license
• Get a license key for free (friends, family and testers only)
• Ask a refund

Some features are not accessible until you buy the PRO license

All permissions that are requested will be used only for the app itself and no data will be collected, sent nor published.

Search terms: Quick Settings, QuickSettings, MAPPZ Development, 4.2

إصدارات قديمة

Free Download تحميل بواسطة رمز الاستجابة السريعة
  • اسم التطبيق: Mappz Quick Settings
  • لينة الفئة: أدوات
  • كود التطبيق:
  • أحدث إصدار: 1.6
  • الشرط المطلوب: 2.3 أو أعلى
  • حجم الملف : 2 MB
  • تحديث الوقت: 2017-08-25