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19179 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

[게임설명] 자신의 기지를 더욱 강하게 성장시켜라! 탱크를 이용하여 적들을 쳐부숴라! 적들의 침입에 대비하라! 군단을 세계에 알려라! [게임특징] - 손가락 하나만으로도 조작이 가능하여 누구나 쉽고 편하게! - 시나리오, PVP, 군단전을 통한 다양한 전투! - 군단을

58.91 MB
巨砲連隊 1.5.4

重溫軍旅生活,再次鍛造自己,強者越練越強! 全新系統上線,指揮官的位置永遠為你留著,你還在等什麼? 說明: 一、遊戲簡介 陸地之戰,頂峰佳作,鋼與鐵的生死碰撞,重現德蘇美等二戰王牌坦克對攻大型戰場實景。在廣袤的大地上建立一座全現代化的作戰基地, 組建自己的高科技裝甲部隊,搶佔資源,發展文明。軍團作戰

54.42 MB
Artillerists 1.1.1

Play Battleship like never before. Rocket strikes, huge explosions and upgradeable weapons await you in Artillerists. Create and upgrade your own priv

28.19 MB

Survive 6 nights at Zoolax antique shop : Welcome to the Zoolax Inc. family as the new night security guard. Zoolax Inc. just bought a creepy antique

25.79 MB

전세계 입소문 800만 명의 검증! 아기자기한 그래픽의 1000 대 1000 스케일 전투 반전 매력! ► ► ► ► ► 마틸다 대륙이 당신을 부르고 있습니다. 저희 부대에 참가해서 밤의 신 니겔에 맞서 그들의 음모를 막아주세요! 미니워리어스의 영주가 되어, 자신만의 부

51.45 MB

Great tower defense game in desert. Your team will consist of snipers, gunners, rockets, ice towers and other great things. A deep conflict with battl

52.2 MB

Pixel Shooter Zombies talk about life after the zombie epidemic disaster, about a small group of survivors after the outbreak of the pandemic. Also it

59.49 MB

What are you doing today? Let's take over the world! Free the villain inside you and have loads of fun in missions you have never seen before. We are

38.41 MB

The Incorruptibles is a REAL-TIME STRATEGY game that combines intense combat with a deep, robust crafting system that unlocks powerful heroes. Battle

25.1 MB

- Create the most amazing theme park world. - Fight in 12 intense missions. - Dream it, Build it, and Survive. - Rescue visitors and raising your dino

8.33 MB

The friendlies Craftronics, have turned into murderous machines, after a virus infected their chips, changing its AI. To survive, you must to check th

19.73 MB

Combat Tower Defense Tower takes classic TD games to a whole new world. Strategic Action Puzzle Defense has never been this fun and addicting! Defend

33.6 MB

League of Hero Defenders is an addicted defense game that will bring you to the league of famous heroes! Instead of insensitivity towers, now you cont

23.31 MB

Top 50 Game in over 40 Countries in the Strategy Category AARCHER™ is a simple yet extremely addictive level based archery game which will keep you ho

24.37 MB
ci 1.0.3

ci - 12th in "focus" (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp, th, ki, ci, sn, lo, ba, ov, sh, fi, do, ru & ti) Touch and drag the circle. Smash and absorb cir

5.81 MB
ba 1.0.3

ba - 14th in "focus" (aa, uu, ff, au, rr, ao, rl, sp, th, ki, ci, sn, lo, ba, ov, sh, fi, do, ru & ti) Defend the circle at all costs. Touch and hold

5.83 MB

Conquering the Pirate Island is a strategy game of soldiers against pirates. In this game, the player controls the two soldiers who have to kill all p

20.25 MB

Language : English, Korean, Japanese ------------------------------- A kingdom is invaded to near destruction. But, a sole survivor of the throne refu

11.09 MB

A new darkness rising in the lands.. Waves of monsters are marching, spreading terror and destroying everything on their path. In these dark times, on

22.17 MB
Zombination 3.8.3854

Take control of a massive zombie horde and destroy the world. Or help the last surviving humans make their stand and defend it. The choice is yours in

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