
The Satellite Frequency Magazine is a comprehensive website for the electronic encyclopedia of Arabic knowledge frequencies. The website was officially launched on the first
day of June 2022. The Satellite Frequency Magazine contains a number of innovative and practical articles with high accuracy. Satellite Frequency Magazine relies on high
efficiency in Arab editing. In the field of editing, research and coordination, Satellite Frequency Magazine only gained a high degree of credibility in the first three months
of its management, attracting ideas and Arab visitors, and restoring the encyclopedia system of trust. Every day, in addition to the descriptions of the service that Satellite
Frequency Magazine began to care about, in order to fully cover everything that is useful to Arab visitors, by 2022, the idea site seeks to cover 80% of the important and new
information requested by Arab users.
The Satellite Frequency Magazine includes a work team of university youth, and the work team includes the site management and technical support staff from graduates of the
faculties of technology and information, and includes a large number of editors from the faculties of media and literature, as well as education, to work through their homes
in order to greatly improve the Arabic content, and another team of Arabic language teachers review articles before they are approved, in order to ensure the maximum quality
of Arabic content without errors, which greatly benefits the visitor.
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إصدارات قديمة

Free Download تحميل بواسطة رمز الاستجابة السريعة
  • اسم التطبيق:
  • لينة الفئة: أخبار ومجلات
  • كود التطبيق: satellite.frequencies
  • أحدث إصدار: 1.5
  • الشرط المطلوب: 4.4 أو أعلى
  • حجم الملف : 18.73 MB
  • تحديث الوقت: 2023-12-05