Saída da escola 2.1 [free]


The main objective of the application is to streamline the output of the students.
Because the output speed?
Consider leaving school a situation that leaves our family vulnerable to robberies and kidnappings.
What often happens is that the person responsible must first face a line of cars when it arrives at the gate, his presence is announced and only then is that the child is
groomed out.
This procedure ends up taking some time, which can cause problems for you, your family and other parents who are waiting in the queue of cars to pick up their children.
Would not it be more practical if the school receives up an alert when the father is approaching the school and thus already expedite the preparation of the student? This is
exactly what makes the Leaving School.
With this new procedure, when the parent arrives at school the child is ready at the gate and boarding can make the car much faster.
In the application can be registered all their children and more than a school setting for each school which children will be removed.
To configure the system is very simple, are just two steps after registration:
- First register their children
    - Then you can add one or more destinations stating which children will be withdrawn.
Ready, you can now use the application.
To leave home or work to go pick up their kids select the destination on your phone and will automatically be sent an alert via internet when you approach the school.
Besides helping in the safety of your family, Leaving School also improves the traffic around the school.

إصدارات قديمة

Free Download تحميل بواسطة رمز الاستجابة السريعة
  • اسم التطبيق: Saída da escola
  • لينة الفئة: اجتماعي
  • كود التطبيق: com.saidadaescola
  • أحدث إصدار: 2.1
  • الشرط المطلوب: 2.2.x أو أعلى
  • حجم الملف : 1.47 MB
  • تحديث الوقت: 2022-09-28