Welcome back,escapers! Story of this game, Cute Prince wants to go to a sight seeing outside the castle, he heard that the outside world is wonderful. Unfortunately his
father king George warns him not to go out of the castle, the king sets some puzzle for the door to open. He is so fascinated to see outside world, he decided to go out
but who can help him to do so. Use your wits to find out a way to open the door..
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- اسم التطبيق: Cute Prince Rescue Game 164
- لينة الفئة: الدماغ ولغز
- كود التطبيق: air.com.kavigames.CutePrinceRescueGame164
- أحدث إصدار: 1.0.0
- الشرط المطلوب: 2.2.x أو أعلى
- حجم الملف : 2.51 MB
- تحديث الوقت: 2022-09-28