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75465 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

Generate star trail photo from a series of star photos.

1.77 MB

Smart Manager is a Battery Managing and fast charging application that is lightweight and allow you to optimize your phone and extend the battery life

2.59 MB

Discover the meaning of the beeps emitted by the bios of your computer and the meaning of the most common errors on the screen that prevent the comput

2.65 MB

The application "BIOS POST Codes" is a handbook with a user-friendly interface for decoding BIOS error codes of modern motherboards of different manuf

2.78 MB

This Game guide for Super Mario Run HD free tips and cheat for you Mario and Luigi to do more sport ! The new runner platform has collected lot of fan

6.59 MB

南國奇傑--張興全 全,男,字星全,號法通,別稱窮一居士。 中國易學研究院副院長.1951年生於廣東省湛江市麻斜村.少年時研究祖傳易經珍本,後又得到民間異人真傳並獲老一輩易學大師悉心指導,將20多年的易經研究與實踐相結合.闡大易之宏旨,窺像素之奧秘,創神奇之易數,統一象,數,理自成一家之新論,武當太

7.45 MB

BF3ステ比較(β)とは バトルフィールド3(Battlefield 3)のstat(ステータス)を確認するアプリで、 日本語で作られている物が見当たらなかったので作ってみました。 BF3のステータスを確認・他人との比較をするアプリです。 PC版はもちろん、Xbox360版、PS3版の方もご利用いた

1.29 MB

Finally Battlefield Hardline players will get perfect application for Android. One place where you will be able to check your progress in game. - View

2.89 MB

If you have been wondering how to move applications to SD card on your phone this application can help you. Most phones don’t come with a big internal

4.66 MB

If you collect Nes games this app will help you maintain your collection. All information is held locally so won't eat into your internet data. Featur

38.47 MB

The secret of the ease of use is that it is simple. This stopwatch you can use intuitively at any time! Size of the application does not put pressure

3.23 MB

Have you ever wanted to measure your browser's loading page time ? Have you ever wanted to measure how fast can you type, how fast can you read, how f

2.29 MB
Stopwatch 3.6.2

A powerful and with intuitive gestures controlled stopwatch. -Stops the time in milliseconds -Limitless amounts of labs -Limitless amounts of parallel

277.14 KB

The easiest stopwatch. · Use it anywhere -Begayte Use the circle -priostanavlivayte time -without advertising -Requires Android 2.1 or later

197.59 KB
Stopwatch 1.1

Simple stopwatch, which continues to work after you exit the application and restart the device. Features: - start / stop the stopwatch by pressing th

3.73 MB
Stopwatch 1.0

The simplest possible stopwatch. Basic functionality, 3 buttons and display halved into two parts: hours : minutes seconds . 1/100 of a second

1.55 MB

Implement the principals scientifics operations.

2.25 MB

It has the following functions. ■ Continuous calculation function ■ Memory calculation (has storage area of Ans, @A ~ @Z) ■ Floating point / Fraction

1.23 MB

App to calculate charts for various thread percentages for standard SAE and Metric screws. Also shows hex nut size and a diagram with the screw thread

1.49 MB

this psp emulador will help you to reach great performance in PSP games, perfect graphics and nice gameplay.ultimate PSP Emulator 2017 is the best fr

21.48 MB