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نوع : حار التحديث تحميل
20433 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

*Última atualização: caso você teve problemas no seu acesso durante a última atualização, por favor encaminhe um e-mail para [email protected] M

50.52 MB

The best free medical dictionary, learn and consult medical terms, complete medical multilingual dictionary. Use the "Select Language" button to chang

3.61 MB

Preparing for Haryana Staff Selection Commission Clerk Exam? Download the No. 1 Vernacular Test Series app #EduGorilla and get: - 17,201+ mocks for 55

12.29 MB

Nutze die App der Fahrschulen Korossy und Kiskilas um in Kontakt mit Deinen Fahrschulen in Weiz und Gleisdorf zu kommen. Mit Zusatzfunktionen wie: One

8.14 MB

NOTE: This app requires the Reader to be installed -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sdgapps.reader This application is a useful Sc

23.86 MB

La aplicación Colegio Narval permite la comunicación del colegio directamente al móvil de los padres, en tiempo real, mediante mensajes instantáneos.

14.92 MB

Yuzu® Enhance your learning experience with Yuzu by Barnes & Noble. Yuzu is a learning platform that lets you read and interact with digital content.

98.22 MB

가장 기초적인 영어 회화 문장을 제공하는 앱입니다. 영어회화를 시작하는 분들은 기초영어회화 앱으로 공부해보세요. 여러사람 앞에서 영어로 말하기 부끄러우셨죠? 이제 챗봇과 함께 마음껏 영어회화를 연습하세요. [기능] 1. 영어 문장과, 해석을 읽어줍니다.(안드로이드 TT

4.41 MB

يتضمن التطبيق TelmidTICE فيديوهات تعليمية موجهة للدعم التربوي الرقمي في جميع الأسلاك التعليمية بالمملكة المغربية. الفيديوهات عبارة عن شروحات لمفاهيم أ

1.83 MB

แอพพลิเคชันนี้ (อ่าน , ฟังเสียง , สนทนา , ถาม ตอบ) สำหรับคนที่อยากเรียนรู้ ประชาคมเศรษฐกิจอาเซียน หรือหัดพูดภาษาอาเซียน 9 ภาษา คือ ภาษาบรูไน ภาษาฟิลิป

5.36 MB

แอพ talking english easy (speak english) หัดพูดอังกฤษง่ายๆ ถาม-ตอบ เป็นแอพที่นำบทสนทนาพื้นฐานที่ใช้สื่อสารในชีวิตประจำวัน ให้ผู้ใช้ได้ฝึกพูดและฟังเสีย

1.62 MB

Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh Ngành-IT.Với khoảng 400 từ chuyên nghành cơ bản.

5.41 MB

Etes-vous à la recherche d’une garderie stimulante, organisée, sécurisante pour votre enfant? Alors il nous fera plaisir de vous raconter que bientôt

5.03 MB

"Cool Tricks You Can Teach Your Parrot! Birds especially parrots, who are very clever need to be properly trained to avoid behavior problems, such as

3.73 MB
Vedanta World 1.0.32

'Living is an art, a skill, a technique. You need to learn and practise it as you would to play a musical instrument or fly an aircraft.' A. Parthasar

7.49 MB

"Luyện thi Đại Học Môn Tiếng Anh với 700 từ vựng" bao gồm 700 từ vựng sắp theo 35 chủ đề bám sát chuẩn kiến thức của Bộ giáo dục từ năm 2015, giúp các

8.46 MB

Please kindly RATE & SHARE this App as it is free :-) Use Menu button for fast collapse of expanded lists, swipe horizontally to view images completel

8.36 MB

Best Tips to Help You Prepare for Childbirth and Labor! Reduce your pain and stress during delivery with these tips from the pros. Let’s face it for p

6.58 MB
Eljur.Diary 3.0.17

School diary for parents and children. Works with schools registered in Eljur system. Mobile application Eljur.Diary allows parent and children to rec

7.74 MB

Для католиков молитвы Розария – это одни из самых красивых, действенных, и священных молитв. Читая Розарий, вы показываете преданность Богу через пред

11.55 MB