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نوع : حار التحديث تحميل
20433 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

শিব হলেন হিন্দু ধর্মাবলম্বীদের সর্বোচ্চ দেবতা। সনাতন ধর্মের শাস্ত্রসমূহে তিনি পরমসত্বা রূপে ঘোষিত। শিব সৃষ্টি-স্থিতি-লয়রূপ তিন কারনের কারন, পরমেশ্বর-

3.6 MB
Sync 2.1.10

Sync is a School Messaging Application that enable School/PTA to engage with targeted members including Parents, Students & Teachers in real time via

11.15 MB
AiS2 2.8.1

App is dedicated to university students and employees who use AiS2.Main app's functions - messages - notifications of system AiS2 - registering for ex

3.44 MB

Management App is a one-stop solution for administrators to do plethora of activities and also stay updated with the daily activities of the children.

23.32 MB
ARC Mobile 2020.05.01.00

Control your robot from an Android or iOS mobile device, phone or tablet. ARC Mobile is the world's most versatile and powerful Mobile Robot Applicati

28.88 MB

Com o Portal do Aluno você (aluno, pai ou responsável) pode ficar por dentro de todo o histórico acadêmico e financeiro. Integrado ao SGA (Sistema de

6.01 MB
SISKO 42.0

Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Sekolah #1 Indonesia, Nominator Startup World Cup 2018 sebagai aplikasi sistem pendidikan terbaik. Telah dipercaya lebih dar

3.6 MB

ضوء الخرِّيج يسعى تطبيق (ضوء الخريج) ليكون ضوءًا للطالب عند اختيار تخصصه الجامعي، باحتوائه على ١٨ جامعة سعودية، من خلال مزايا متعددة ومتميزة: - نبذة ت

10.21 MB

यह हिंदी में सुन्नी नमाज पढ़ने का आसान मार्गदर्शन है। मूल रूप से इस ऐप को उन लोगों के लिए विकसित किया गया है जो उर्दू / अरबी पढ़ नहीं सकते हैं। यह ऐप

33.31 MB
LinuxAcademy 3.5.1

Deploy your potential. Join thousands of expert sysadmins who train at Linux Academy. Learn the latest devops tools. Train for your certification. Kee

25.32 MB
WOOP app 4.6.7

WOOP is a practical, accessible, evidence-based mental strategy to help people find and fulfil their wishes and change their habits. Over twenty years

53.99 MB

แอปสำหรับน้องๆ ฝึกท่อง ฝึกอ่าน ABC มีภาพและเสียงประกอบ ทั้งไทยและอังกฤษ และยังมีคำแปลอีกด้วย ภาพสวยๆ รอน้องๆ อยู่ มาท่อง ABC กัน จะได้เก่งๆ และฝึกคำศั

3.48 MB
myBGU 3.1.21

The myBGU app gives students and staff of Bishop Grosseteste University access to a mobile version of the myBGU/myday portal page. The myBGU app offer

3.85 MB

Welcome to the official app for The Vineyard Church St Albans. A community committed to an authentic, contemporary expression of faith in Jesus. Get i

37.08 MB
Speed Planet Puzzle gezv2.0.24

A small game application that allows you to recognize the planets in the solar system ... Place the planets appearing on the game screen as soon as po

16.07 MB

The Shadow Ridge High School app by SchoolInfoApp enables parents, students, teachers and administrators to quickly access the resources, tools, news

30.08 MB

With the Minooka Community High School mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily connect to its learning and Par

21.03 MB
MCAT Medical Exam Prep y4w.mcat.test.6.0.4

MCAT Exam Prep App is powered by Youth4work.com (a leading online portal for competitive examination preparation and career development). The Medical

7.92 MB

Mit der App LS Vertretungsplan kannst du den Vertretungsplan der Lornsenschule Schleswig mit Android™-Smartphones und -Tablets komfortabel und mit ein

4.72 MB

This app is developed by the Joint Research Centre, the in-house science service of the European Commission. Its aim is to enable the general public (

14.2 MB