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نوع : حار التحديث تحميل
20433 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

【PressPlay Academy 5大特色,陪你持續學習】 ► 學習形式不只一種! -超過 300 個專案,包含圖文、影片、音頻等多元學習形式。 -兼具即時更新、持續追蹤的訂閱專案,以及系統性完整學習之成套課程。 ► 跨越平台限制,到哪都能學! -支援網頁、手機版網頁與 iOS、Android

14.91 MB

Updated version of Al Faris School App. This application is mainly used for the internal education purpose of Al Faris International School. This app

17.42 MB

Learn Greek with 5 minutes of practice daily. Mondly is the quick fix that will teach you core Greek words and Greek phrases for conversation, just li

36.89 MB

تطبيق موقع حدث في مثل هذا اليوم كُردياً موقع حدث في مثل هذا اليوم كُردياً العظماء الكُرد هو أول موقع كردي على شبكة الانترنيت حيث ندون فيه الأحداث الكر

16.48 MB

This is a California Contractors License Exam Preparation App. This app makes obtaining a contractors license in California a very simple process. Thi

45.34 MB

Make learning a daily habit with Degreed. Capture all your learning - professional, informal, in the moment, and on the go - and get credit for it. Wi

25.82 MB
Witch School 0.1.7

Learning witchcraft is easier than ever with the Witch School app - mobile access to the Student Portal and private social network for Hekate's Finish

41.89 MB

Welcome to the official Focal Point Radio Ministries Application for your smart device. Listen to sermons on Bible passages or topics that interest yo

54.19 MB

অ আ ক খ বাচ্চাদের জন্য - বর্ণমালা,সংখ্যা শেখার মজার অ্যাপ ! আপনার সোনামনিকে বাংলা অক্ষর,সংখ্যা জ্ঞান দেয়ার জন্য যথোপযুক্ত ! বাংলা বর্ণমালা,সংখ্যা - শু

28.19 MB

De app Magister Docent is speciaal ontwikkeld voor de dagelijkse praktijk van docenten. Eén keer inloggen is voldoende. Daarna kunt u met uw vingerafd

52.33 MB

*** 플레이스토어 추천 앱으로 2회 선정 및 다양한 미디어 매체에서도 추천 앱으로 선정되었습니다. *** *** 50만명 이상이 사용한 최고의 육아 앱입니다! *** 아기의 수유 시간과 수면, 기저귀 교환 시간 정보를 편리하게 기록하는 수유 어플 BabyTime (베

17.64 MB

Interpolation is a mathematical method for finding the value of a certain point between two or more known values. It is commonly used in statistics to

7.98 MB

The STIHL Service Information Application provides helpful information for working with STIHL’s most common products. • 360* Interactive chain saw, tr

177.78 KB

第11回キッズデザイン賞 - 奨励賞(キッズデザイン協議会会長賞)受賞東京都オープンデータアプリコンテスト最優秀賞(東京都知事賞)受賞 親子でお出かけできる遊び場、連休や週末のファミリー向けスポット・イベント情報が満載! おむつ替え台や授乳室、ベビーカー、託児所の有無など気になる情報がひと目でわかり

41.04 MB

Performed School Themes is a collection with a lot of italian educational issues on various topics in ebook format useful to get prepared to the class

1.4 MB

This program is designed for those who want to learn interesting mathematical tricks to speed up the calculating. These tricks will help solve part of

10.14 MB

La Aplicacion del Alfabeto Griego con su pronunciacion y como se escribe en mayuscula y minusculas ideal para personas que quieren aprender el alfabet

4.2 MB
HSI EDU 2108.1801

HSI EDU memberikan kemudahan kepada peserta HSI AbdullahRoy untuk mengikuti pembelajaran di Group Belajar HSI AbdullahRoy Fitur utama yang saat ini te

29.37 MB

If you are looking for an application which help you improve your English in daily conversation and also study English speaking, this app is suitable

45.83 MB
Ucampus UMCE 1.6.262.android

Ucampus móvil es la aplicación oficial para Android de la plataforma de gestión de contenidos para estudiantes y académicos de la Universidad Metropol

6.99 MB