منزل > الكتب والمراجع

نوع : حار التحديث تحميل
9786 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

The Abbasid Caliphate was the third of the Islamic caliphates to succeed the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The Abbasid dynasty descended from Muhammad's y

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Easily learn Indonesian & English with Indonesian English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The Indonesian

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Oraciones diarias y de protección para su día a díaOraciones diarias y protección que le ayudarán en su vida diaria y le permiten tener una mejor comu

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Este é um aplicativo pessoal, sem vínculo com empresas ou entidades comerciais, desenvolvido e mantido com recursos próprios, cujo conteúdo foi extraí

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100% FREE English To Japanese to English Dictionary. Work Offline. Play Sound. 日本語辞書への英語 - FREE English To Japanese Dictionary has 147,000 words. - Se

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Labor law 80.91.30

The appendix contains a description of the labor law.

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هل ترغب في قراءة كتاب روايه سانتقم لاخي بقلم سوما العربي؟ قم بتنزيل تطبيق رواية سانتقم لاخي مجانا لماذا يتعين عليك تحميل روايه سانتقم لاخي في هاتفك أن

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O Bulário de Defensivos Agrícolas foi desenvolvido com o intuito de auxiliar agrônomos e produtores rurais na proteção de sua lavoura. Com mais de 180

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The American Revolution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765 and 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies reject

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DIE OSIANDER-APP Die Bücher-App: bequem Bücher auf dem Smartphone kaufen Mit der kostenlosen App der Buchhandlung OSIANDER kaufen Sie alle Bücher und

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Jahannam, is one of the names for the Islamic concept of Hell. Other names for hell (or the different gates of hell) occurring in the Quran include: a

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مُحتَشَم کاشانی (۹۰۵ ه.ق در کاشان - ۹۹۶ ه.ق در کاشان) شاعر پارسی‌ گوی سدهٔ دهم هجری و هم‌ دوره با پادشاهی شاه طهماسب یکم صفوی بود. شغل اصلی محتشم بزاز

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This is a zoom help that contains helpful information for Cloud Zoom meeting users. this app is teaches wisely how to use zoom meeting. you will learn

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Enjoy your favorite books on the go with customizable reading experience and millions of best sellers, novels, science fiction, romance, fantasy, fanf

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Kitaabka Naxwaha ee Ajruumiga waxaa inoo sharxaya Sheikh Cumar Faaruq, Raximahullaah Waxaad naga raadin kartaa erayadan Kitaabka Naxwaha, naxwe, sheik

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This displays the daily 1995 A Prayer Book for Australia service, complete with Psalms, Bible readings (ESV) and Collect for both the morning and even

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Share with friends and beloved ones this Bible app that allows you to read and listen to the Holy Word of God on your mobile or tablet Android. The Up

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Raise Audiobook Player is aiming to be the best tool for your audio education and entertainment. Not the fancy looking one, but it has full features a

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* Portuguese To French Translator And French To Portuguese Translation is the most powerful translation tool on your android. translate any sentence o

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English Pashto Translate application is perfect to translate texts fast in your phone or tablet. You can use a word, phrase or sentence for translatio

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