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نوع : حار التحديث تحميل
294707 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

This Xposed module adds a floating action menu button to the recent apps screen from which you can launch floating apps.Current floating apps• Calcula

1.53 MB

934.13 KB

*IMPORTANT*You need a CM12.X/13 based Custom Rom with the CM Theme Engine.This theme works the best with CyanogenMod. If you're using another custom r

2 MB

418.2 KB
AppRemover 1.3.4

Easy to use and extremely fast uninstall app.Allows you very easy and fast, uninstall applications from your phone.Features:- fast uninstall with 1-cl

82.77 KB
掌中水木 v1.0.4

水木社区是由水木清华BBS站原站务组创办的BBS,(smth,http://www.newsmth.net),在从学校转入社会的过程中,从中获益很多,每个人都可以在里面得到不少及时有效的信息。本客户端是基于水木社区的ios app,设计的初衷是做一个自己使用比较舒服的客户端实现功能包括1.每日十大导

11.52 MB

7.9 MB
Kaixin 4.6.2

開心網【V3.7.1】 開心網( www.kaixin001.com)是中國最大的社區網站,通過開心網手機客戶端,您可以與朋友、同學、同事、家人保持更緊密的聯系, 及時了解他們的動態;與他們分享妳的生活與快樂。 -------------------- ★開心的清新體驗★ 發表語音動態,展

11.33 MB

1.49 MB
SearchButton 2.5.1

With this app you are able to start every other app by do a long-touch on the search button. You could use this to start you favorite app like Faceboo

142.46 KB
SSHTunnel 1.5.6

ROOT REQUIRED FOR ADVANCED FEATURES !Before you start, please read the following instructions carefully.If possible, please uninstall 1.4.X and any ot

1.1 MB

This application requires ROOT access to install ROMs (and in order to use tools) !Download ROM updates for CyanogenMod, MIUI, AOKP or for alternative

3.03 MB

** NEW VERSION 1.5 **"Videocam illusion Pro" is the first video camera app that lets you record videos with effects in real-time.Combine filters, effe

2.52 MB

Simple Notepad is a notepad app that gives you a quick and easy note taking experience. It's not only simple and easy to use but also comes with many

713.3 KB

2.93 MB

47.16 KB
V动画 1.15

6.49 MB

Clock Widget with the font from android lock screen(Clockopia)Runs a service in backgroud, and can be placed multiple times.

22.58 KB

★最酷、最好用近距离的手机间照片、文件传输工具 ★最简单,最方便,最快速的电脑与手机间文件发送工具 ★居家旅行、逛街购物之必备工具 ★无需注册、免费、永无广告把手机上的照片发到另一台手机里 ---- 用消息速递【照片近距离手机对传】 想把一张照片从电脑发到手机 ---- 用消息速递【照片上传

1.78 MB
PerseusUI 2.1

Perseus UI is a Square Icon Pack with Flat and Minimal Design.Every Icons is crafted with incredible level of details.Truly Material Icons designed us

13.06 MB